Teaching methodology

Basic knowledge
We are no strangers to the apprenticeship system. And we know that it was one of the best in the world. One of our teachers was a student of a World Champion coach.

However, time goes on. Chess changes, and most importantly, people change. Our students come with different demands. and all of them are individuals with different perceptions and levels of play. That’s why it’s simply illogical to teach them all according to the same methodology.

Individual approach
Each of our teachers has his own method of teaching, developed over time. And he adapts it to each student in order to bring maximum results.

Our basic principles are:

  • everyone can learn to play, think big and embrace the culture;
  • our main criterion for choosing teachers is the fire in their eyes, experience and love for their work;
  • it is never too late or too early to learn and develop;
  • we are ready to spend more of our time to convey the necessary meanings and answer all questions arising in the process;
  • the ability to learn, think, develop and transfer this to life situations is more important than any tournament wins;
  • it is important for us that the student enjoys the process and gets results.